The first time that they came to put stucco on my balcony luckey I was home and told them to get lost. The next time they came I was also home and again told them to get lost. Then Paul began to threaten me with a $3K bill if they had to come back and move their platforms back into place to do my balcony. I slowly explained to Paul that they could come through my door any time they wanted to paint my balcony. But I had no use for stucco.
I then got a notice that they were giving up and moving on. A few days later a supervisor stopped at my floor on the platform and we had a chat. He agreed to prepare the inside face of my guard rail and do the paint job. The paint is very interesting as it combines both a primer and the paint and withj 2 coats should do a good job.
We will see. At any rate I have been screwing with their Master Plan which includes the stucco. Any of you know why stucco was put on the balconies. I am thinkiing of having a contest to guess why. I might give up a bottle of my wine to the first person that comes up with the correct answer.
There is no talking to this board Even wwhen they were presented with an opportunity to switch to elastomeric they stuck with the stucco. The stucco must be put on as part of their Master Plan. It will be part of their sales pitch to the right people.
Bill I would love to see how that works out on your balcony if you are ok with that. I don't want stucco on my balcony by my plea to the board has fallen on deaf ears. Now that yours is scraped, repaired and painted i will likely be asking the board for the same on my balconies, which have some cracks that need repair. Maybe you can give me a hand with them to get them to agree?